Foot Mounted gearbox

R27 helical gearbox

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R 27 series foot mounted gearbox is in Double / Triple reduction models having motorised /solid inputs are intended to satisfy all the requirements of a reliable drive for slow-speed high-torque application. Standard range of Coaxial shaft gear units, available in foot-mounted and flange-mounted versions, offer un-parallel performance covering output speed graduated from 9 to 1230 rpm with motor power ratings ranging from 0.18 kW to 90 kW. The gearbox and motor built as a single unit looks stylishly compact which ultimately results smooth and silent operation in an efficient fashion. The solid input version incorporates an input solid shaft mounted on a bearing housing having dual bearings of ample capacity.

Foot Mounted gearboxCoaxial shaft gear units

In six single-stage and fourteen two-stage and three-stage sizes, the Foot Mounted gearbox ensure an optimum ratio between power and space requirements.

For high output speeds, the exclusively single-stageCoaxial shaft gear units offer compact solutions for your system design.

Foot Mounted gearbox

R27 series Coaxial shaft gear units (Mounting dimensions are interchangeable with SEW)

R27 series  Foot Mounted gearbox

1) One piece cast iron housing for rigidity and alignment

2) Mounting dimensions are interchangeable with SEW

3) All the gears fixed to achieve low noisy and high output torque

Coaxial shaft gear unitsFoot Mounted gearboxFoot Mounted gearboxCoaxial shaft gear units

Our complete range of helical  Foot Mounted gearbox provides the optimum size and power solution for every drive task. And for applications where weight is an issue, our multi-stage Coaxial shaft gear units provide something special: Thanks to their die-cast aluminum design, the models R07, R17 and R27 are three particularly efficient lightweights – ideal as satellite drives and for use in light machine constructions. Reduced backlash helical gear units are also available for particularly precise requirements.

Foot Mounted gearboxCoaxial shaft gear units